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Our Story

Our brand was birthed from a desire to spread a different thought process than mainstream culture is currently spreading. In 2020 during the beginning of COVID our CEO started a fitness account that has now grown to over 50,000 followers. Despite this success, he discovered the emptiness that comes from chasing satisfaction in this world. He realized that most of the world is chasing something thinking it would fulfill them when in reality it would leave them more empty than before. In early 2022, our CEO met with a graphic designer to begin developing ideas for a clothing brand that could help push the idea that the only thing that can bring us true fulfillment is God. After brainstorming name ideas for the brand, UNCERTIFIED landed as the best name to not only look good on a hoodie or t-shirt, but to represent our brand mission. Whereas most of our world focuses on wanting validation from others, we get our validation from Christ and what he did for us. This means our life should look much different than others. Although the life we choose isn't the easiest, its what's best. We then took this idea and looked for a supplier who could create our product with the intricacy and design we had in mind, while also creating a quality product that people would want to come back for. Once we found this we planned accordingly and got a team together to help launch this brand. December 11th 2022, we launched our first drop of Collection 001, and we hope to be able to continue to grow and expand while being able to push the message that this company was founded on.
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