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With every piece of clothing we release, our goal is to provide our UNCERTIFIED family with the highest quality garments as possible. We strive to not only bring you clothing that looks and feels good, but that will be a staple in your wardrobe for years to come. Not only do we provide you with some of the best quality on the market, our garments are more than just material. Let's break down what sets us apart.

The first reason may be most obvious: our minimalistic, timeless designs. Our goal is to create something that will not just be relevant for 6 months, but something that you are going to want to wear in 10 years. We take each design through a rigorous process that involves days and weeks of critiquing them until perfection.

Not only do we customize the designs for each piece, but we individually customize the measurements for our garments to make sure our pieces have the perfect fit. We believe the fit of our pieces is just as important as the look and feel. 

The next part of our process is material selection. We always source our material from wherever we can get the highest quality fabric to ensure that our garments are premium and long lasting. 

The last, but most important part of our process is emphasizing the mission behind the brand. We want every piece of clothing we release to be a conversation starter to share the burden God has placed on our heart to help reshape our culture. We ensure each design points people to the vision and mission of our brand. This fall we launched our collection with a new branding of "COUNTER CULTURE". This slogan can mean lots of things, but we are going to share what this means to us. As Christians, God calls us to a higher standard than the world. The life that he wants us to live, is different from how the rest of culture is telling you to live. In Romans 2 Jesus talks about not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind. His desire is not for us to conform to the ways, beliefs, and ideologies of culture, but to be set apart. In this world we find value in nothing but pointing others to the one who created it.


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